Get Tighter-Looking Face


    One of the skin characteristics while aging, is losing molecules that are making the skin elastic and tight. These molecules are collagen and elastin, and they are located in the middle part of the skin layer. This process begins after the age of 20, but it is quite noticeable after the age of 30 and 40. For most women, but also men, this is the period when they consider some of the cosmetic procedures.

    Ulthera facelift

    Many people would like to avoid surgical procedures, so they are searching for non-invasive or less invasive cosmetic procedures which can give adequate results. The ulthera face lift Melbourne from Chelsea Cosmetics Melbourne is a great option for those who will like to get non-invasive facelift and to boost their collagen.

    A facelift has never been easier

    So, without surgery or downtime this procedure will stimulate your collagen and elastin production. Ultherapy can lift the skin on the neck, brow, chin and it can also improve lines on the chest. The procedure will target deep layers, and skin’s surface won’t be disturbed.

    With this procedure you can treat just some part of the face or whole face. The practitioner will first clean your skin, and then apply ultrasound gel. Then the ulthera device will be set on your face and the practitioner will set ultrasound waves for your face. You will feel the energy that is going into deeper layers of your skin.

    Some people will notice results right after the treatment, but full results will be visible after three or two months. During this period, now collagen will be produced, and you will notice how your skin is getting tighter and generally younger. This process can last even up to the six months.

    Double chin injections

    This technique is designed to reduce fat tissue under your chin, and it is done via injections. These injections contain deoxycholic acid. Acid will target fat tissue in this area, where that tissue will be dissolved. There is no need for incisions, and there is almost no downtime or it is minimal.

    Before, double chin was treated by the liposuction, but today double chin injections are the only FDA-approved injectable to treat fat tissue under the chin. These double chin injections Melbourne by Chelsea Cosmetics Melbourne are suitable for people who are older than 18 years, with severe or moderate fat beneath the chin.

    By sculpturing your neck, you sculpture your whole face

    The cost of this procedure is depends on the place where you are getting your treatment. That means that matters in which country, city or even part of the city you are doing this procedure. Also, the cost will vary depending on the expertise and experience your doctor has.

    Final word

    If you always wanted to have tight and well-sculptured face, these two procedures are for you. While the ulthera treatment lifts and tights your face, double chin injections give your neck and jowl well-shaped look. After some short period, you can look a few years younger.