Home Health Are Root Canals Forever? Learn How Long A Root Canal Lasts

Are Root Canals Forever? Learn How Long A Root Canal Lasts


A root canal is the last option doctors resort to to save a patient’s tooth to avoid extraction of the tooth. When a teeth infection grows so much to the point it reaches the roots and infects the pulp of your tooth, a root canal is recommended to get it fixed. A root canal treatment removes the pulp from the roots by using special tools known as files.

As a result, the tooth no longer has nerve endings or tissues, so it cannot feel anything. It is like a dummy tooth but with your natural tooth. But are they for a lifetime? You must have wondered about their longevity at some point, and you have come to the right place. This article will answer your question. Speak to a professional for more information about root canal treatment in Union City.

Here are some factors that affect the lifespan of root canal treatments

  • Timing of Treatment

If a root canal infection is not treated in time, it can reach the jaw, which becomes impossible to fix with a root canal treatment. So, timely treatment of root canal infection is immensely crucial for better results and lower risks of complications.

  • Timing and Quality of Restoration

A permanent dental filling or crown is compulsory to seal the treatment and protect it from getting ruined again. A dental filling or crown locks the treatment in place and protects it because without a crown or seal over the root canals, there could be damage and complications, as it would be like playing with an open wound continuously. The foods and drinks you consume and when you brush, all of this could damage the root canal again if it is left without a teeth restoration.

You should also make sure to get the teeth restoration in the scheduled time, as delaying the restoration process can and will cause complications. You might have to do the procedure all over again, which could end up being too costly for some.

  • Location of Tooth

Our front teeth only have single-root canals, while our back teeth have two or three roots. They also require more bite force because they are used for grinding the food we eat into pieces tiny enough to swallow. So, our back teeth are more prone to damage due to fracture of the teeth restoration than our front teeth as they do not require as much bite force.

Contact a dentist to treat your teeth sensitivity today!