Acne and acne scarring are one of the most common skin problems that affect both men and women. There are an array of Acne Scar treatments available which help to deal with these problems. A lot of these treatments deal with both acne problem and acne scarring to give you smoother skin. Laser treatment offers an extensive set of possibilities when it comes to both acne problems and acne scarring. There is a wide selection of treatment plans when it comes to acne scarring treatment which makes it easy to customize a plan according to what your needs are. Following are some of the laser treatments which are offered for acne and acne scarring.

What is ND: YAG?

If you have acne-prone skin, then there is a laser treatment called the ND: YAG which offers precisely controlled target inflammation and overactive oil glands which are often blamed for acne. This acne laser treatment is very comprehensive, fast and can treat active acne. It also encourages the production of new collagen in the skin which helps to combat future acne problem also. Within a few days of the treatment, your skin will start to look healthier and younger. In case of active acne, it will take a few treatments to tame the active ones and the results which you see are safe and effective along with being fast and convenient.

What is the Erbium Laser?

When treating acne scarring with the help of Erbium Laser then it will require a series of treatments which have been spaced apart several weeks. This laser treatment offers controlled ablation of a very fine layer of skin and helps to resurface the appearance of the scars. It is most suited for those people who have mild to moderate acne scarring and fairer skin tones. If you have a darker skin tone, then there is a higher risk of complications and you should speak to the medical professionals before undergoing the treatment. After the erbium laser treatment, it usually takes about 2-4 days to come back to the routine.

What is IPL Laser?

IPL Laser treatments like AFT are suitable for treating mild acne scarring. It can help to greatly reduce the visibility of the discolouration and pigmentation problem which can be left behind by acne. It is a non-invasive and very tolerable treatment which can help to restore a more cohesive and blemish-free look to the skin. When undergoing the treatment, it is crucial to remember that you will be experiencing a clearing of the skin and has to be combined with an excellent commitment to skincare regime at home to prevent future breakouts. The results can vary from person to person.

To get the best of acne scarring treatment you must get a series of treatments whether it is silkpeel facials, chemical peels or laser treatments. Patience is a virtue which is needed for the journey toward a clearer skin as it takes time to see the results.