Holistic medicine has staying power. It’s not merely a trend. The same goes with a wellness & holistic medicine clinic. Let’s try to understand first the philosophy behind holistic medicine. From a nutshell, it’s a kind of treatment that considers the entire person’s mind, spirit, body, and emotions in search of complete health and wellness. The primary goal of holistic medicine is to create a proper life balance.
Practitioners believe that a person is made up of interdependent parts that affect one another. It means that when one part is not working well, the rest will suffer from the imbalance. With holistic medicine offered in a wellness & holistic medicine clinic, different health care forms are provided from conventional medication to alternative therapies. This means that when a person gets into this facility with a consistent terrible migraine, the physician will not right away prescribe medicines. Instead he will look into all the possible causes of the migraine such as health problems, bad sleeping habits, stress, personal problems, and preferred spiritual practices. That means that the treatment may include drugs and lifestyle changes to make sure that the migraines won’t recur.
Holistic medicine runs in the philosophy that a person is ultimately responsible for his own health and wellness and that unconditional love and support are the most powerful healer. Other principles include that people have innate healing powers. Healing takes the team approach which involve the patient and the doctor. Treatment means nipping the problem in the bud and not merely getting rid of the symptoms.
However, the most obvious differences between a holistic medicine approach and the conventional type is the length of time the physician conducts the consultation and the emphasis on minimal invasive therapies or treatments. In addition to conventional treatments, holistic medicine clinics may recommend the application of acupuncture, botanicals, and dietary supplements.
Today more patients opt for integrative or holistic medical practitioners. In 2007, 40 percent of American adults and 12 percent of American children used several forms of alternative therapies. The number of US hospitals that offer holistic practices such as acupuncture, guided imagery, therapeutic touch, and massage therapy have increased by 42 percent in 2010.
Despite the increase in the demand for alternative therapies, many related skills are still not offered by medical schools and even graduate medical education programs. These are however critical skills that may control the spread of chronic diseases that tend to overwhelm the health care and finance sectors.
Holistic medicine providers can be naturopathic doctors,homeopathic doctors, medical doctors, and doctors of osteopathy. The easiest way for you to find a holistic medicine practitioner on your area is to visit the site of the American Holistic Medical Association. Do research and don’t just go to anyone available.