Home Dental Tips on how to have that beautiful smile you have always wanted

Tips on how to have that beautiful smile you have always wanted


A smile may sound and appear as something simple but it is something that is very valuable and should be treasured. This is because it allows one to express themselves especially when they are in a good and happy mood. In order to have that coveted beautiful smile, having healthy teeth is inevitable as the two go hand in hand. Apart from regular brushing and flossing of teeth, eating a good diet also plays a huge part in ensuring  Apart from regular brushing and flossing of teeth, eating a good diet also plays a huge part in ensuring that teeth remain healthy and strong. Therefore we should strive to eat as healthy as possible so that we may end up having the healthiest teeth possible at any age.

There are certain foods that have proven to be very beneficial to teeth. Just like bones, the main elements that make up the teeth are calcium and phosphorous. Therefore, foods that are rich in these two really help in having the healthiest teeth possible at any age. Some of the foods that are rich in calcium include; milk and other dairy products such as yogurt and cheese, dark green leafy vegetables such as kale and spinach, soy drinks, almonds and salmon. Phosphorous on the other hand is found mainly in proteins such as; all types of nuts, fish, eggs, beans and meat.

When it comes to oral hygiene, it is not only the teeth that require special care and attention, but also the gums. The gums hold the teeth steadily in place and when they are not in tip top condition, the teeth also suffer. That is why consuming foods that promote gum health is equally important. Foods that are rich in vitamin C are good for gums as they prevent them from bleeding, a condition known as scurvy. Some of the vitamin C containing foods are; citrus fruits especially oranges, tomatoes, spinach and broccoli.

Another way of ensuring good dieting is by avoiding or reducing the level of snacking, especially on sugary treats like candy and biscuits. Over indulging in such treats leads to cavities which can progress and become tooth decay. If you really need to snack, go for healthier options such as popcorn.

There is yet another group of foods that may contribute to you having the healthiest teeth possible at any age. Crunchy foods such as carrots and apples may need quite some effort in chewing them but it is worth it. This is because in the process of chewing, the teeth and the narrow spaces between them get cleaned as food particles and bacteria are eliminated from the mouth and gums.

Saliva contains antibacterial properties, which technically means that the more the saliva production there is, the less the harmful bacteria present in the mouth. There are some foods that promote saliva production and they include apples and sugarless gum. Chewing on these stimulates the salivary glands to produce more saliva which in turn cleans the mouth and destroys harmful bacteria.